Saturday, January 10, 2009

Library Loot!!

This is a fun weekly event that was thought up by Eva at A Striped Armchair. I have never really been interested in these sorts of weekly blog events before, but this one is perfect for me. I get probably 80% of the books I read for my blog from the library, and I pick up several every week. I'm not sure what day of the week will be Library Loot day. But for this week's loot, it's today!
This week I got Europe Central by William T Vollmann and The News From Paraguay by Lily Tuck, both of which qualify for the Well-Seasoned Reader Challenge and at least one of my other challenges. I also picked up Maus by Art Spiegelman and Robot Dreams by Sarah Varon for the Graphic Novels Challenge. The other three books I picked up may qualify for one challenge or another, but I didn't pick them up specifically for that. They are Heir to Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier (because I will read anything new by her), Firestar's Quest by Erin Hunter (is there something wrong with me that I love these warrior cats so much?), and Socially Responsible Investing by Amy Domini (I had this one checked out awhile ago, but had to return it without reading it - so we'll see if I get it read this time around).
Seven is a larger amount than is typical for me, I guess. I think I actually usually get three or four a week. Either way, this should be a fun way to keep track!


Eva said...

A lot of my books read are from the library too. :) And I didn't know there was another book in the Sevenwaters trilogy!!! That's the only Marillier I've read, but Daugher of the Forest was soooo good. I'll be waiting to see what you think of the newest one.

Sandra said...

I love this weekly feature. The truth is all my reading is from the library except what I get through swaps, gifts, giveaways or ARCs. The News From Paraguay sounds interesting. Happy reading.